1 study
2 meditation
3 service
Study is just as it sounds and is undertaken to establish / find the sign posts for the direction one should take in life. One should study all areas to be more informed, more understanding and more able to discuss and participate on a factual rather than emotional basis. Understanding of the world comes from study.
Meditation is undertaken to better understand the sign posts found from study. One needs to meditate to gain an insight into their own mind, increase mindfulness, increase wisdom and therefore be able to follow the sign posts without bringing harm to oneself or to others.
Service is the final pillar where one contributes to the world through service. Doing no harm is a type of service, reducing pollution is a type of service, being patient with your children is definitely a service. Through service we make the world a better place.
I got a lot out of being introduced to these three pillars and so I have outlined them in a very basic way ( as I understand them to be) here so that someone else may also gain something from them.
Thanks for reading and I hope you do gain something.
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